The Sprout for Kids Foundation Announcing 2021 Donation Numbers

The Sprout for Kids Foundation is announcing its 2021 donation totals of $44,146.74. The amount was accumulated via a number of activities including the La Crosse Bar and Restaurant Relief Fund, beer sales at Valley View Rotary’s Moon Tunes , and ongoing yearly fundraisers including Grow La Crosse’s Great GROW Get Together event happening in 2021.
We are especially proud to support OUR community WITH our community. Our style of fundraising incorporates the generosity of countless individuals in our community. And that is what makes our donations so impactful. Thank you to all who supported our efforts and we hope to see those efforts grow in the upcoming years. – Tami Plourde, President – Sprout For Kids Foundation
Since 2009 Pearl Street Brewery and On Three Print + Design have been raising funds for La Crosse area families, schools, and organizations through the 501(C)3 Nonprofit Sprout for Kids Foundation.
Sprout for Kids Foundation
Sprout for Kids is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that is 100% volunteer run, and all the dollars raised go right to where they are needed. Since its inception Sprout for Kids Foundation has worked with a multitude of area nonprofits and organizations including; Habitat for Humanity, The Boys and Girls Club, Hunger Task Force, Valley View Rotary, Rotary After Hours, Joe Was Just Joe Foundation, Kiwanis, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, Kane Street Community Garden, The North La Crosse Business Association, New Horizons and many more.
Tami Plourde
Sprout For Kids Foundation
1401 Saint Andrew Street
La Crosse, WI 54603
608-385-2505 Cell