Things to Know about Shitty Lyte Beer

1) The Challenge
“Got anything light?” For 18 years our Brewmaster has always answered this question with, “We don’t make shitty light beer”. And we never did. Then someone said that we couldn’t do it. Well that was a challenge, and when it comes to beer, we love challenges.
2) Twist on the Traditional
How did we take the traditional American Light Mega-Lager and make it better? Easy. We made it fresher. Unlike the others, this isn’t pasteurized either. This allows the pure clean flavor to shine through. We use a single strain of clean lager yeast and cold ferment it.
3) Fresh Local Ingredients
We love writing checks to local farmers! Local means fresh. We source hops from three different Wisconsin family farms. Our malt is grown in North America and Malted in Wisconsin.
4) Water
Good water is the foundation of good beer. La Crosse has some of the best water in the best beer state in the country.
Last year, the Wisconsin Rural Water Association (WRWA) voted La Crosse water the best tasting water in the state!
5) You too can be part of your local beer scene.
You’re a light beer drinker, we get it. You like beer just not all that dark stuff. Just because you want to drink something light, doesn’t mean you don’t support your local craft brewery. Now you can drink a low-cal, easy-drinking, great-tasting beer brewed by people you know. Beer brewed with wholesome and fresh ingredients instead of what the mega-brewers use. There’s something awesome about a non-pasteurized, quality craft beer that’s made in a hometown brewery. Best of both worlds.
4.7% ABV – 5 IBUs – 112 Calories – 8 Carbs….More at
Tags: Shitty Lyte Beer, Things to Know, Things to Know about Shitty Lyte Beer