Things to Know about 17-Up Lemon Lime Gose

Things to Know about 17-Up Lemon Lime Gose
Originally brewed to celebrate 17 years of The Pearl Street Brewery, this is a tangy and refreshing conundrum.
From Nature
This sour summer ale has undergone spontaneous primary fermentation with wild, native microbes found in the air in La Crosse, Wisconsin. This natural, terroir fermentation doesn’t just create an inviting sourness, but also connects this beer to our land and our community.
This particular Gose is flavored with natural lemon-lime essence for a mind-warping exbeerience.
17Up is one of our versions of an ancient ale originating on the banks of the Gose River in northern Germany hundreds of years ago. To create the authentic water profile, we use real sea minerals harvested from an ancient sea bed to treat the water we brew this beer with. This beer is “wild” because it’s spontaneously and naturally fermented with wild microbes like it was centuries ago.
What’s Next for this Gose
This Gose was the first one to inspire the other three Goses we brew year-round. Look for the others, Like Gosecopia, Pop Gose and Sour Winter Gose when in season and download a free, printable beer release calendar to find our more!
Seasonal Summer Release – 5.3% ABV 3.5 IBUs