Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton stopped at the Pearl Street Brewery during her run for the 2016 presidential election.
La Crosse WI: Pearl Street Brewery is inviting presidential candidates to try to pour a perfect beer at its tasting room on La Crosse’s Northside.
Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton stopped at the Pearl Street Brewery during her run for the 2016 presidential election. After spending time with owners Joe Katchever and Tami Plourde, then Secretary of State Clinton went for a photo opportunity and committed what is considered a major faux pas in Wisconsin; a state known for its rich brewing history.
Secretary Clinton attempted to tap herself a pint of Pearl Street’s famous DTB Brown Ale but revealed her lack of skills, when she poured herself a glass of foam. Plourde, who was standing next to Clinton, quickly poured a second DTB and switched glasses with Mrs Clinton but not until after she had proudly held her foamy glass up for the onlooking members of the press.
Memes of Clinton, apparently unaware of the impact of her mistake, flooded the internet in the crucial months leading up to the election. The video of the pour has racked up hundreds of thousands of views and has been mentioned on hundreds of news sites and blogs. Some major news outlets even reported she may have damaged her presidential attempt, after blundering the pour in the Badger State.
A recent article on stated, “Clinton’s pour was all foam, people … and voters in the Badger State took notice,” and said, “Never discount the extent to which 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton damaged her electoral prospects after attempting (unsuccessfully) to pour a craft beer for herself at Pearl Street Brewery in La Crosse, Wisconsin.”
Joe Katchever, Founder and Brewmaster of Pearl Street Brewery believes pouring a beer is a national pastime in the United States. Especially in a state famous for great beer. “In a state where almost everyone learns the proper way to tap a beer, the consensus is that this may very well have cost Hillary Wisconsin and perhaps the Presidency.” Katchever says he also invited Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump to come to the brewery when they made stops in La Crosse but did not receive a response from either candidate.
“I extend a warm welcome to the candidates in the upcoming election to see who can pour a perfect pint of DTB,” Katchever says, “I can’t guarantee you’ll win Wisconsin with a perfect pour but I guarantee it’ll help!”
The famous Hillary Clinton video can be seen on YouTube!
About Pearl Street Brewery
Pearl Street Brewery has been creating award-winning craft beers in La Crosse, WI for 20 years. Their beer can be found in restaurants, bars, and retailers all over Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota. Brewery tours are available every Friday and Saturday and patrons can visit the Tasting Room Tuesday through Sunday. The brewery plays host to musical groups, yoga classes, fundraisers, and many community events.
Media Contact:
Tami Plourde
Owner / Director Sales and Marketing
Pearl Street Brewery
1401 Saint Andrew Street
La Crosse, WI 54603
608-784-4832 Ext 6